Accepting My Challenges

I won’t even mention how long it’s been since I have been on here (guess i kinda just did, so oh well lol). A lot has changed, and a lot hasnt. I’m still in school, still engaged, and very anxious about marriage and the big 25. Yeah, I know, 25 isn’t all that big but it is to me! I feel like at 25 I want to have independence,stability, and just a clue of where I am going. I’m slowly getting there.

But lately, I have run into some situations that have really challenged me to step out of my comfort zone and embrace being an adult. Honestly it’s really been hard! I come from a household where it’s definitely do as I say and only as I say. Dont question it, don’t reject it, just follow EVERYTHING I say. For a long time I have done just that and it’s kept me safe and sheltered (which isn’t the best thing sometimes), unfortunately my own input on my life has taken a back seat to the opinion of my parent. It’s been difficult because, as I am coming into my own person there is a force that is completely stepping over this process.

Last week I found out I won’t be graduating the semester I expected. This sucks because my wedding date has already been established and is doing the time I figured I would be done with school. Now I am faced with the challenges of either keeping this date a cramming wedding and school together, pushing the date up and get married during summer break, or just waiting until I am done. I’ve talked to bub, he is definitely against waiting until December, being as we got engaged last February. He’s perfectly fine with us marrying while I’m still in school. Although he has voiced his opinion, he says it is up  to me because I am affected the most. I know my mom is very much against us marrying before a degree. I’m afraid she wont support us and will withdraw her contribution to our wedding.

At this point I really don’t know what to do. Do I go against her and stand up for us and get married, or do I satisfy her and wait til December?? I feel really conflicted, but I really just want to  make the best decision for those involved in the marriage, which would be me and bub, no one else.

It’s just hard going against her

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